Monday, January 24, 2005

Nothing Like Science

Given the fact that I truly have never had too much faith that anything had much to do with me, I was speculating about the reason my profile views count went up from time to time. Now recently, I have discovered that I few more old pals read this silly thing from time to time (Thanks, Brun) but mostly I think it's random as are most things. I decided to try a new experiment which seems to be working. I'm using the Meg White as rock star thing again. I got rid of the age and location identifiers on my blogger profile and sure enough those view hits keep on going UP, UP, UP.

There I go, science works again. It didn't have anything to do with me ( as far as I can tell). That groovy drummer chick is scammin' my scene. Or am I scammin' hers?

BTW, I still don't know how to link to other sites so that's why I'm not using that method at present.

It looks like the UN finally has officially recognized the Holocaust. If life were a little more glorious, I'd feel like dancing but I guess that's a pretty dubious thing to dance about, no?

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