Sunday, November 05, 2006

Only One time?

I've added a few links. The new headliner (Jackson Katz!) is dedicated to the resident who responded to a patient revealing to him this morning that she had been raped by saying "only one time". I care about the patient involved very much and have not judged her to be an exaggerator in any way. In fact, she is refreshingly honest and direct.

I very calmly addressed him about his response and he denied saying it. But when I first raised the question of the comment he seemed confused and said "Did I say that?" as if he were asking the question of himself but he then proceeded to say the problem was the patient's perception My gut tells me he did say it and did not wish to admit that fact to me.

I really don't care about that. He got called on it and that needed to happen. Hey, I'm wrong a lot but on this one my intution is fairly secure.

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