Tuesday, March 01, 2005


one other thing to bear in mind here is the old white hunter's adage -- the wounded animal is the most dangerous one in nature.

Over a year ago, I was re-introduced to the concept of the "spongemop" boyfriend or husband. I'm a woman so I'm writing this from my perspective. Spongemop girlfriends and wives no doubt exist but I feel no need to address that issue here. Anyway, many of these guys are alcoholics or drug addicts and whether or not they are still "active" is not necessarily a measure of how spongey a guy may or may not be. This is a hard realization for some women to come to.

So just what does a spongemop look like? How does he act? What are the signs? Tell me, Meg, please.......

1) He does not have a job and is not seriously looking for one.
2) He is constantly asking you for money and smoking your cigerettes.
3) On a first date he inquires about the financial worth of your family.
4) He wants to know if you own your home.
5) He eats more and more of your food.
6) He does not have a place of his own to live (this is a big one).
7) He asks you to pay for his car insurance, his artist studio or for a hair cut.
8) He often gets and then quits perfectly acceptable jobs.
9) He has no social security number or finger prints.
10) His friends don't trust him with their house keys.
11) He has children but does not pay child support.
12) He's always eyeballing other women or the next best opportunity.

and he freely admits that quit his last job because he just wanted to hang out more and play music or chase an employed woman off to Denver.

Disclaimer: I'm underemployed (slut journalist for money) and looking for work. I do have fingerprints, a social security number, my own place to live and some friends who trust me with their house keys.

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