I guess that was ABC News that named bloggers the people of the year. I swear the harder I try to get some stuff just right the farther off the mark I actually get. It's pretty silly.
Yesterday was my father's birthday, the first since he died. I didn't even realize how much it was affecting me until I started to write about him and picked up the phone to call my sister and, then, my mother. I have this tendency to underestimate these things. Well, I think I either under or over estimate them. I'm not too good at having much perspective on my own "stuff". Left to my own devices I would be like that dude who was on "This American Life" (Public Radio International) yesterday morning on WSUI in Iowa City who had convinced himself that kidnapping Frank Sinatra, Jr. was both a logical and beneficent solution to dealing with his financial and life crises. He had a mighty fine plan and was convinced he was hearing the voice of God himself (maybe it was all part of the plan, who knows?). It was an hysterical segment. The theme was something about having "back up" plans. Ha, there's that word again. Anyway, I'm sure you can archive TAL and then do an audio tream if you have the technical capacity.
Happy MLK, Jr. Day. Keep the dream alive.
Love, Meg
I can't imagine how difficult it must have been yesterday. I'm glad to hear you've got your sense of humor!
You're in my thoughts.
Hey Meg~
Ah, big hugs sweetheart! And here it is three weeks into the new year and we haven't connected yet. My apologies... seems the more I wait for things to go back to normal the less normal things become. I hope you're doing ok. I miss you. Let's get together.
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