Saturday, January 27, 2007

In Good Grief "Literary" News

According to the terms of a lawsuit settlement reached with 12 angry readers of A Million Little Pieces, hell-hath-no-fury-like-an-Oprah-scorned author/victim James Frey and his publisher, Random House, have agreed to pay $2.35 million -- to "cover the cost of refunding customers, the lawyers' fees for both sides and a yet-to-be-specified donation to charity." Non-litigious readers are also eligible for a refund. Apparently you can send pg. 163 of the hardcover to Random House and get a check for $23.95 or send the front cover of the paperback and receive $14.95.

On any given day, the corporately owned American news media lies to its readers much more than Mr. Frey ever did in his book. Might I suggest Fariness and Accuracy in Media Reporting ( as the recipient of this "yet-to-be-specified" charitable donation. Boycott the refund. Wow, never thought I'd be saying that, much less defending Frey and his book. Now if the "12 angry readers" had filed a suit based upon the book's literary merits........

Poor Jim.


Maulleigh said...

People need to get a life.

meg L white said...

Heck, if they're this desperate they can have part of mine. You look like Joan Cusack - lucky kitty1