Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I Thought I was Going To Have To Have A Lobotomy

So, I haven't been out in two weeks and I'm sleeping until 10 or 11 am. I'm older so I guess I have some sort of excuse. I told a friend I feel as if I've been bitten by the tse-tse fly because I am sleeping so much. She maintains it is just a habit I have fallen into. I maintain it is a low grade depression brought about by the political state of the world.

I just asked a new friend if he thought his uncle purchased his young Czech bride. I know there a bit of this going on. As a matter of fact, it's all the rage. A prominent cardilogist at Duke who is a decent friend did this with unfortunate, if not inevitable results. His trophy bride ran off with one of his colleagues and he got majorly addicted to fentanyl -- a narcotic more potent than morphine and completely unregulated for him. Poor dear. He's 46 and still chasing around women half his age. Occasionally when we find ourselves in the same area code, he buys me a spicy scallop roll and I try to talk some sense into him. He grew up in Barcelona and his mother used to lock him in a closet while she sun-bathed so I can't say I blame the guy for whatever Oedipal issues he may be running from.

So I'm wondering if the European Media is making much of this British guy who streaked at the Super Bowl and actually got fined. What a silly non-issue. Only in post 9-11 America but at least the prosecutor is admitting that's the reason.

Typing of current events, thankfully all the pomp and circumstance of Reagan's passing has started to die down. I thought I was going to have to have a lobotomy. I wonder if the grieving widow, Nancy, would have refered me to the specialist who did such a fine job on her husband?

My new friend Neil (whose uncle landed the hot young Czech gal) recently asked whether or not there was any truth to the suburban Ice House-ian key parties and such ala Rick Moody as I'm still house sitting. I've nothing to report on the possible kinky intrigue out here in Wonder Bread a-go-go. These Midwesterners can be a pretty cagey lot and the influence of Lutheranism should not be underestimated in the repression-thus-shameful-and-hidden-perversions department but I am keeping to myself. I'm trying to get as much writing done as possible. I'm theoretically working on two books. It's important to note this is just a theory, okay?

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