Friday, November 11, 2005

All A Bunch of Crazy Kooks

So in the "never believe anything you hear of anything you read" category (the later being admittedly ironic given this format), I was meeting an old friend at the T Bowl yesterday and saw a woman who I had heard had gotten a job working for Ira Glass on "This American Life". I never questioned the story when it was told to me, so I told a few people after I heard it.

When I saw her, I was excited and said, "Wow, I heard...blah, blah, blah." She calmly responded that no she had not gotten such a groovo job but hypothesized that this rumor might explain why Jim Harris at Prairie Lights had come up to her and told her he had heard she had moved to Chicago to work for the show.

What divine comedy. Yesterday I finished writing up some holiday gift book picks and one of them is by my old friend, Pagan. In it she includes a chart summarizing and comparing her worldview to fiction contemporaries Bret Easton Ellis and Douglas Coupland. Her take as opposed to these cynical bad boys, "We're all bunch a of crazy kooks!"

That's my take on this little rumor gone nuts. Crazy kooks, indeed.

Three years ago, I was really bored and I was sitting around w/ the same gang over and over listenng to lots of rascist and homophobic nonesense so I started a rumor that I was really a man. I reckon that one is still going around somewhere. Maybe that's why this one guy not so long ago kept telling me over and over that he was reading Middlesex? He wanted to let me know, he was "down" with my kind.

Good grief. Oh well and my wasn't it sweet of J Depp to come ex-girlfriend, Kate Moss's defense? Nice.

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